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Gender gaps in Education

Gender gaps in Education in Nigeria is an issue of concern for development actors like the United Nations (UN), FGN( Federal Government of Nigeria) in partnership with other NGOs and INGOs. The need for boys and girls to rise above redundancy and mediocrity for the effective development of our Nation cannot be overemphasized. However, the plight has been that more boys get into schools than girls particularly in Northern Nigeria . In the south- east region of the Nation, boys are also seen to drop out of secondary schools or not enroll at all, in pursuit of businesses and other ventures that can fetch them money early in life. While some parts of the country can celebrate gender parity in education, much needs to be done in general to close the gender gaps Channels Tv NG on their Sunrise daily early morning show titled ( The Big Education Question), reported that more boys than girls get enrolled into primary schools. However, by secondary school the percentage of enrollment drop for both genders with boys still having a higher percentage. Why these gender gaps? the answers are not far-fetched; early marriages, poverty , poor quality educational systems, impoverished schools, inadequate funds, religious/cultural beliefs etc. What has been done? Girls education projects have been funded by international donors to improve girls' enrollment into schools. Federal govt has decreed free education from primary school to JSS 3, Various sensitization platforms have been carried out to educate about the importance of education. What else can be done? have you witnessed/ participated /partook from any of these programs? share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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