Violence is not Love
This topic can also be read as 'Love is not Violence '. Whichever way we put it I hope we can understand that violence is not one of the characteristics of Love. Social media is aghast with the death of a young man killed by his wife. Wait! killed is putting it mildly , she stabbed him several times even close to his privates , severed his fingers and bit him all over his body. Now I wonder what that is if it is not cold blooded murder. If you missed the story, read it here
This story is one out of many and I have written a few times about the uprising of domestic violence in our country. All those that take violence to be a sign of Love i.e. He is correcting me with slaps because he loves me or because he is a jealous lover or She slapped me/bit me because she was angry and jealous. Please violence is not love. If we don't still understand what love is then pick up a Holy bible and read 1st Corinthians 13. Do not let jealousy drive you to foolishness and acts of violence that you claim stems from love.
Marriage is no child's play, if you can't love and control your emotions then do not get married. Do not marry with the hope that you would be lying on a bed of roses. To live happily ever after, you have to take one day at a time and work out every issue. If there is any temptation to be violent seek help. Hey! If he/ she begins to treat you like a punching bag, walk away with your head held high.