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Health , Fitness and Body Shaming

Health and fitness is one of the most trendy things now. There is the struggle for males and females to be healthy and fit. Almost everywhere you look are tips to stay healthy and fit, not to mention the need to be 60 years old and still look 40 years. If you are not healthy and fit these days, then you are not trendy and fashionable. The race to the gym, the walk outs, yoga , diets etc. are all thrown in our faces everyday. Every site you see its one fitness training or the other. Every one with its new name from Keto diets to miracle slimming teas, pills and creams. off course producers had to take advantage of the situation to flood the market with all types of fitness products.

Am i saying health and fitness is bad? off course not, better to be healthy than to come off with various diseases that goes with obesity and age quickly, better to be trendy and confident and fashion forward. However , what i seriously condemn here is Body Shaming.

What is Body Shaming? in my opinion, body shaming is a stage or a process where one is condemned and mocked because of your body. Apparently, this somewhat differs with genders, men with flabby and pot bellies are often body shamed and most are seen not to be serious or to have confidence in themselves. At some point it was six packs and building muscles, the race to have six packs and flaunt it especially from the younger dudes was seen as an achievement.

For ladies, lets not even go there, its everything for them, either they are too fat, or too slim, their boobs are not big enough or not small as can be, their bum aren't protruding enough , their waist ain't that tiny. they don't have it, then they want it and if you are not going with the trends, them you might often get body shamed. Over the weekend i was with some 12-13 year old girls, and they were arguing about who is fat and who is not, one was most offended because they called her fat, i wondered if she would eat dinner that day.Body shaming does not only come from others, it can also be you, you look into the mirror and you hate yourself, some go to the extent of harming themselves , sometimes this leads to depression, which often leads to a mental health issue.

Researchers have proven through various studies that body shaming can often lead to anorexia ( which is severe loss of appetite, that often lead to severe weight loss that may cause mental illness and/or death). Anorexia is often treated as a serious mental illness because one may commit suicide or self-harm due to self hate and irregularities. Another trend for people to tackle their seeming abnormalities to their bodies is through surgery. More people are carrying out different kinds of plastic surgeries to either improve their bum, make their waist thinner, have a pretty face, boobs enlargement etc. Some are done cheaply and come with their adverse effects. In fact the first time you pop for a surgery, u keep going back. What am i advocating for in essence, be proud of you, whatever body shape u have, carry it with confidence while working to achieve your desired goals. Put down, body shamers or cyber bullies. At any stage you are in be proud of you while you work to stay healthy and fit. You are not in a race with anyone and your body shouldn't stop you from attaining your goals. If you are bold, curvaceous, fat, thin, small, big etc. Please rock it like its hot.

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