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Failed Marriage : Whose Fault He or She? Precepts from Chioma Omeruah ( Chigirl)'s Story

The number of failed marriages nowadays is grisly. Most that we read about are celebrity failed marriages because of publicity, i wonder how many unreported marriages out there have failed, at least everyone knows one or two. Perhaps in this era, couples can't be bothered to weather storm in marriages. What made our parents era different, were women more humble or men more upright? So whose fault is it, He or She, extended family or the society? is there really anyone to blame, should the blame discussion even hold when marriages fail?

Chigirl a popular Nigerian comedienne in a recent interview 'The Kings Women Episode 9 with Kemi Adetiba' discussed how her marriage ended after one year. She disclosed that she was a virgin when she got married and she was super excited, expecting everything to be new for her and to have the most amazing marriage. However after one year, everything seemed to fizzle out,somewhere,somehow, love was lost between them and they decided to get divorced. However the divorce did not come without a price, she lost quality relationships and was seen then as a woman who could not keep her home.

This is mostly what we hear in the economy, most people blame the wife, they tell her, you couldn't keep your home, you could not keep your man and now he is with another woman. In some homes, no matter what your husband does to you, it is forbidden to leave your husband's house. Mothers tell you, if i can do it, so can you. You need to stay, it is a thing of shame to leave your home. For the men also, most carry on like they are the best thing to ever happen to women, while some try to make their home work and don't leave their home even if they can't stand their brawling wives, they do it because of what the society would say, to protect their public images etc. and when the marriage falls apart who is to blame

I do not think that there should be blames when a marriage falls apart, i think the couples know they can't stay together again. You have to walk in their shoes to judge them, if they can settle their differences and come back together again better. Am not pro-divorce either, i believe couples should attempt to weather the storms, forgive one another and at least attempt to see if they can be together . However in the case of domestic violence flee..

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