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How should a woman be defined, by her Body, Grit or Mannerisms?

This era of social media has one thinking, 'what truly is the definition of a woman?' Some women want to be defined and identified with their bodies that they willingly flaunt on social media. Some want to be measured by their grit, how much they have built as a woman, wealth that they have acquired or power that they have. While others may want to be polite, caring and loving women without hassles or shenanigans around them and about them. How do i know? check out these social media handles, each woman defining her own world and well followers are loving them. Which do they love most? Albeit women all differ in their ways, should we really blame anyone for how they want to be defined. How do you define yourself?Pic 1, 2 or 3 , or perhaps a mix of two all all. Leave your comments in the comment section.Thanks

Pic 1: A popular actress but you hardly hear of her in any scandals. She is our good example of a polite and upright lady.

Pic 2: Like her picture says, be a Boss. She is a force to be reckoned with in the film industries.

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