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Dear Woman Who Doesn't Believe in Feminism by Kutu Ameji

This beautiful piece written by Kutu Ameji  on Feminism caught my attention and I had to share. Male or female please read below on why we should all be feminist. 

Dear Woman Who Doesn't Believe in Feminism but still believes that your female child should go to school like her brother,  we see you.  

Dear Woman Who Doesn't  Believe in Feminism but gets angry when a rape victim is blamed for her dressing,  we see you. 

Dear  Woman Who Doesn't  Believe in Feminism but wants her opinion  to matter in country,  hold public office or have the right to vote, we hail thee.

Dear  Woman Who Doesn't Believe in Feminism but feels some type of way when Nigerian women men won't sit  in between two women in taxi, we see you. 

Dear Woman Who Doesn't  Believe in Feminism but is able to buy and own property in her own name, we smile at you.

Dear Woman Who Doesn't Believe in Feminism but gets into an argument with people who insist women  who have cars and houses must have slept their way to the top, we greet you.

Dear Sister Who Doesn't Believe in Feminism but when news surfaces of an oppressed  widow languishing in pain inflicted by patriarchy, our knees are on the ground for you.

Feminism contrary to notions you have formed about it from misguided Intel on web, is not about destroying men or hating anything male.

It is not conspiracy by angry women who can't get laid or who have been jilted to cast aspersions  on men. 

Feminism is demanding that women be treated just and fair. 

That she should be treated equal in jobs, societies and families.  

That she should be given the same education,  justice and opportunities as anyone. 

The difference between a man and a woman is simply hormones. Their bodies are physical evidences to the predominant hormone that swims in their blood; testosterone and oestrogen are both present in every human. Feminism is the believe that a woman should not be punished  (however mildly or severely ) just because the dominant  hormone that defines her is oestrogen. 

If feminist express anger at a patriarchy and it puts you off, then perhaps you don't know what evil  patriarchy has perpetuated globally for thousands of years. Or maybe you just don't care.

Either way, Dear Woman Who Doesn't  Believe in Feminism but enjoys the fruits of feminism,  we see you and your hypocrisy. 

#Feminist Creed 

# TreatherHuman

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